

Newsletter - December 11th

I hope you had a great weekend and wish everyone a smooth week. This weekly message is short. In January, we will share some reflections of the year, accomplishments, areas of growth as a school community, and what we expect to achieve in 2024.

Please take a few minutes to read the following reminders and announcements.

New Middle School Newspaper

Congratulations to the middle school team: Ms. Suarez, Ms. Mendoza and Ms. Palacios for the successful launch of the middle school newspaper: OYSTER ADAMS POST.  A copy of the first issue is available on the school website. Please, follow them Instagram: OysterAdamsPost

Escuela de Padres – Becoming

Thank you again for attending the second round of Escuela de Padres on Becoming. Thank you for the positive feedback we received. If you missed the presentation, you can see the recording and the slides. Feel free to reach out with questions or comments.

Announcements and Reminders

  • LSAT meeting: Monday, December 11 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Oyster campus.  
  • Faculty meeting: Tuesday, December 12/13 at 4:00 p.m. at the Oyster Campus.  
  • Winter concert for parents at Oyster: December 13.  
  • Virtual OCC meeting: Thursday, December 14 from 7:30-8:30 p.m.  
  • Virtual book study with grade level leads: Friday, December 15 from 8:10-8:40 a.m.  

This is all for today -- we hope you’ll have a great week.

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Oyster CampusPK4 - 3rd

2801 Calvert St. NW
Washington DC, 20008
(202) 671-6130
(202) 671-3087

Meyer Campus

Adams Swing Space until spring 2025

4th - 8th

2501 11th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 673-7311
(202) 673-6500

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This website is a 100% parent-led effort made with by the OCC.

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¡Vamos Tigres!