

Newsletter - October 10th

We hope you enjoyed your long weekend and that you’re taking some time to rest and reconnect.

Please take a few minutes to read the following updates, and a few reminders. As usual, continue reaching out with your questions, comments, or suggestions.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Chancellor Lewis last year shared a message about the meaning of this day and his message resonates with what we believe at OA: “Our history as a country begins with Indigenous peoples and Native nations, a fact that has been too often overlooked and actively suppressed.” Here are some resources to reflect on as we honor this day:

Comprehensive School Plan (CSP) - Academics (Part 2)

As mentioned last week, during October we will continue unpacking the main goals, priorities, and strategies that we have for this year. Below you will see our main goals. The metrics and targets have been identified by the district in some cases and in some cases by school data from the school year 2022-23.

School Overarching Goal

To narrow the linguistic, racial, and ability opportunity gaps at Oyster-Adams by 3% as measured by the standardized assessments in Math, English, and Spanish.

CSP Goals

  • By the end of school year 23-24, we will increase the number of teachers that show satisfaction in the leadership category as measured by the Insight survey by 5%.
  • To increase the overall parent satisfaction of families as measured by the Panorama Survey by 3%.
  • To increase the percentage of students who feel loved (based on the LCP index in the Panorama Survey) by 3% (Baseline: Spring 23 62%; Fall 22 60%).
  • To reduce the total number of student suspensions in Middle School by 20%.

District Required SMARTIE Goals:

  • Grades 3-8: Increase students that meet or exceed PARCC ELA Subclaim: Vocabulary by 6% or increase L4/L5 student performance by 6% and decrease L1 performance by 6%.
  • Grades 3-8: Increase L4/L5 student performance by 6% and decrease L1 performance by 6% in DC CAPE Math.
  • Kindergarten: 85% of kindergarten students on or above grade level according to iReady at EOY (Math).
  • Pre-K: 80% of PreK teachers will be implementing Building Blocks curriculum by the second half of SY23/24 as measured by the Building Blocks implementation tool.

Academic Strategies – Tier II

Last week, we mentioned some of the general strategies that we have to support our students called Tier I. We also have an intervention program at school for students who need additional support. At Oyster Adams we called those structures of support TAG (targeted Intervention Growth). Here are some of the main characteristics of the program:


  • Grade level teams use beginning of the year data plus teachers’ class observations data to identify students who will need this small group targeted instruction.
  • Students in PK4 do not receive TAG.
  • Students in K may receive TAG services after reviewing middle of the year data.
  • In some cases, students are pulled out of the classroom to receive TAG, but this year we want to be more intentional about supporting students in the classroom.
  • The data that is used to determine if a student receives TAG in English or Spanish is the student’s first language. That is the one that has to be strengthened.
  • We prioritize students who are below grade level to receive TAG.
  • In general, students who receive special education services do not receive TAG.
  • TAG should happen 3-5 days a week.
  • The minimum number of students in TAG is two and the maximum is 4. There are a few cases in which it is 1:1.
  • The length of TAG should be no less than 20 instructional minutes and no more than 30. We will prioritize TAG in grades 4-5 at the Adams campus because students receive daily enrichment classes in Middle School.
  • ELs in levels 1 and 2 should receive shelter instruction in MS. They cannot be combined with TAG classes.
  • Students should not be removed from Tier l instruction in the content area (background knowledge).
  • TAG teachers will enter TAG interventions in MTSS every two weeks.

Beginning of the Year Data (BOY)

During October, the Academic Leadership Team (ALT) will review the schoolwide academic data and find patterns and actionable next steps to move our students' achievements in Math, English and Spanish. The following two reference documents will help us compare last year’s data to this year’s. Some of the data points are not available yet since we recently finished testing, but the data will be updated in the same document in the next few weeks. SY. 23 Data and SY. 24 Data.

In general terms when we compare BOY from last year to this year, we see that our strategies and interventions had an impact on student performance in all grades and content areas. We are still committed to continue being intentional about closing those academic gaps for students. At the same time, we are exploring ways to provide extensions to those students who are on grade level and challenge their academic curiosity.

Reminders and updates

  • We hope to see everyone on Friday when we celebrate the end of Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month at La Noche. It will be at Adams after school.
  • Panorama Survey for students in grades 3-8 starts on 10/10.
  • The virtual LSAT meetings is this Thursday.
  • Grade level teams are currently coordinating the schedule for parent teacher conferences. Those schedules for hybrid sessions (in-person and virtual) will be shared this week. PTCs will start on 10/19 from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Last week the School Improvement Plan (SIT) met to hear questions and receive feedback on the playground for the renovated Adams building.
  • In-person Cafecito with the admin at the Adams campus is this Thursday, 10/12 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. Please let us know what topics you would like to talk about or any questions you would like for the team to address.
  • We continue advocating for an additional crossing guard for Adams. In the meantime, we have requested that one of the guards allocated to Marie Reed be sent back to Adams at Meyer.
  • We have been working with DCPS Central and directly with the school buses’ drivers to reduce the amount of time the buses idle. We have also requested school bus parking signs for both campuses.

¿Estás recibiendo los correos?

Recibe el boletín semanal de la directora y las noticias periódicas de la OCC.

Plantel de OysterPK4 - 3ro

2801 Calvert St. NW
Washington DC, 20008
(202) 671-6130
(202) 671-3087

Plantel de Meyer

Espacio temporero de Adams hasta primavera 2025

4to - 8vo

2501 11th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 673-7311
(202) 673-6500

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¡Vamos Tigres!