Newsletter - October 23rd
We hope everyone had a great “long” weekend. Thank you for attending a great round of parent-teacher conferences last week. We’re very happy to see a high turnout.
We have a big shout out to all families who attended the first Cultural Festival at Adams, this was a closing celebration for the Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month (HLHM). Learning about different countries, their culture, politics and interesting facts was amazing. The activity was inspiring and filled the community with pride. We’d also like to give a huge shout out to Parents who attended an astounding series of HLHM concerts with our tigers at Oyster. We appreciate significantly all the parents' participation and collaboration to bring these celebrations into fruition.
Please take a few minutes to read through the following announcements and reminders. As usual, reach out directly to the school if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Comprehensive School Plan (CSP) Culture of Achievement- Follow UP:
As we continue unpacking each one of the dimensions of our CSP, this week, we will start by unpacking the Culture of Achievement. Culture of Achievement helps schools to establish routines and expectations that enable instruction, even as instruction is improving.
The following are some of the goals that have been identified with the Academic Leadership Team at the end of last year and the district required SMARTIE goal for OA.
- To increase the percentage of students who feel loved (based on the Loved Challenged Prepared – LCP- index in the Panorama Survey) by 3% (Baselines: Spring SY. 23: 62% and Fall SY. 23: 22 60%).
- To reduce the total number of student suspensions in Middle School by 20%.
- District Required SMARTIE Goal: To decrease chronic absenteeism for English language learners by 2%.
We have designed some strategies to achieve our goals. One of them is to become part of a districtwide pilot program (Becoming), and to continue implementing strategies of our social emotional learning framework: Conscious Discipline. Here is a short description of what we have done during the first term of the year and the vision for the program during the second term. We will provide additional details about Panorama and Conscious Discipline during the month of November. We’re currently coordinating the second round of Escuela de Padres around this topic for the month of November.
DCPS Becoming is the District’s transformative initiative to becoming a whole child-centered, antiracist school system. Oyster-Adams has been chosen as a pilot school to codify school level practices that create supportive learning environments and developmental relationships that build a strong sense of belonging and academic engagement among our students. Oyster-Adams’ SY23-24 goal is to improve developmental relationships through a focus on strengthening schoolwide and classroom student relationship structures. To do this, we are continuing to embed Whole Child/Antiracist practices in our curriculum and building staff capacity to embed WC/AR practices in our work.
During term 1, OA staff has collaborated in strengthening Conscious Discipline practices that elevate our focus of Essential Practice 1: Cultivate a Responsive Learning Community. Teachers have been intentional in providing time and space to foster intentional relationship structures, many of which are foundational to cultivating a welcoming, and responsive learning community for all students. In term 2, we will use Panorama survey results to assess progress and modify practices that accentuate students’ sense of belonging.
October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and the U.S. Department of Education and DCPS wants to remind school communities that preventing bullying and harassment in schools takes all of us—from students and families to educators to school, district, and state educational leaders. Bullying can harm students’ ability to fully participate in school, and it can harm students’ physical and mental health.
To ensure a timely intervention, please communicate with our school staff if you see or hear of an incident or concern involving a student. Oyster Adams follows federal and DCPS guidance. Together, we must ensure awareness so that we can support follow-up actions that repair harm, prevent future harm, and restore community well-being.
Parent University Session for Families of our Youngest Elementary Readers (10/26)
The DC Reading Clinic and the Family Engagement team are hosting a virtual Parent University session on Understanding Early Literacy Screening at DCPS for Kindergarten and First Grade families on Thursday, October 26. Please help us get the word out by sharing our registration link and the flyers located here.Resources for the Israel-Hamas War:
The District recently released guidance to address the current war. This document is informed and thoughtful and includes comprehensive action. Our Central Services’ academic teams have worked to compile, vet, and standardize constantly changing resources to provide our educators with the necessary tools to facilitate open, inclusive, and constructive discussions in their classrooms. At the same time, our wellness teams have been shoring up culturally responsive support for any student feeling the weight of the world’s issues.
We recognize the importance of school addressing these recent happenings to foster a sense of belonging in an environment where students feel safe, respected, and heard—regardless of their background or perspective.
Reminders and announcements:
- The in-Person Cafecito at Oyster is this Tuesday, October 24 from 9:00-10:00 a.m.
- Students in grades 3-8 will continue taking the Panorama Survey this week.
- Next week (10/30-11/2), we will have the first Spirit Week of the year, here are the themes for both campuses: Monday: Pajamas Day, Tuesday: Kindness Walk (Oyster)- wear costumes, Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday, Thursday: School Pride (blue and yellow). Costume guidance will be communicated in grade level newsletters.
- There are no classes for students on Friday, 11/3.
This is all for now, let’s make it a great week!