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Newsletter - August 30th

I would like to reiterate our gratitude to all families for your partnership, feedback, and understanding as we continue to refine operations and the transition into our swing space located at Meyer Elementary. Getting this right remains a top priority.

Each day, my team and I will continue to assess operations, respond to family and student feedback, identify challenge areas, and collaborate with DCPS central services to make necessary improvements. We will also continue communicating daily updates to you. While we resolved the bus capacity issues by adding two additional buses, we recognize that other related operations require further refinement. We know that not all students have had adequate time to enjoy their breakfast and that not all students were able to sit at a cafeteria table. We also know that our dismissal procedure required some students to transition before the instructional day officially ended.


That said, I would like to provide the following updates:

  • As of today, all buses departed within a couple of minutes of the scheduled departure time.
  • Our security team has added one more officer to expedite the security check in for all middle schoolers. With this change, as of today, all students were in class by 8:45 a.m.
  • We encourage families to have their students ride the early buses if they eat breakfast at school.
  • During the first week of school, we focus on creating a positive culture that includes practicing routines and reviewing expectations with all students. For the past two days, we gathered students who ride the buses for 15 minutes prior to departure to practice bus routines and expectations. Each day we are reducing this time with a goal of having all students transition independently to buses at the conclusion of the instructional day starting Tuesday.
  • Starting tomorrow, we are adjusting the departure time of the 8:20 a.m. bus leaving Oyster to give more time for a smooth transition to class. This bus will now leave at 8:15 a.m.

Update on the cafeteria structure

  • This year we changed the multiple lunch periods into two shifts: one for middle school and one for elementary school. This new structure gives students a more appropriate time to eat lunch (not too late or not too early). In the new building, the cafeteria also serves as the gym where students take Physical Education. Unfortunately, for the first two days of school we were short fifteen chairs and two tables to accommodate all students comfortably. As of today, we have enough tables and chairs for all students in elementary and middle school.
  • Starting tomorrow we will have assigned tables by grade level and practice transitions to ensure safety and comfort.

We know that the changes will require time to process, adjust, and refine. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we continue making real-time changes to best suit the needs of our students, families, and community.

We will continue to work closely with DCPS central services and the Chancellor’s Office to request your input that may help strengthen our operations. Please feel free to share it with me directly. If you would like to express concerns or communicate with someone other than me, you may contact my direct supervisor, Instructional Superintendent, Eric Bethel, [email protected] or Community Engagement Specialist, Damian Popkin.

Middle School Boys & Girls Soccer Tryouts

Friday Sept. 1 & Tues. Sept. 5
4:15 on the grass field behind Meyer

If your student is interested in playing soccer or any other sport, please submit your athletic forms ASAP at

Before Care Registration Information - Oyster Campus Only

Please see the link below to register for the Before Care Program, please note that this program is offered to Oyster Campus students only.

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Oyster CampusPK4 - 3rd

2801 Calvert St. NW
Washington DC, 20008
(202) 671-6130
(202) 671-3087

Meyer Campus

Adams Swing Space until spring 2025

4th - 8th

2501 11th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 673-7311
(202) 673-6500

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¡Vamos Tigres!