Newsletter - May 16th
I hope everyone had a wonderful week thus far. This has been a busy week at Oyster Adams with our students preparing for the musical that is happening this weekend (Friday evening and Saturday afternoon), students preparing for “EL Festival de Poesia” which will take place at the Oyster Campus this Friday and at Adams next Friday , we had our friends from Colegio de Granada visiting us as part of the Spain exchange trip for 7th graders, students preparing to compete at the city-wide Spanish Spelling Bee @ DC Bilingual on Friday, our 8th graders taking the Spanish AP test, our 5th graders taking their camping trip to North bay, preparing our 6th graders for their camping trip to Calleva, MD and our 3rd graders completing their CAPE testing. That all takes a lot of commitment and love for our students from the adults who work with them each day.
Again, I wanted to thank everyone who has made these opportunities and experiences happen for our students. I am so thankful each day to have this opportunity to lead such a wonderful staff of dedicated adults, committed and involved parents and the most amazing students in DC.
In my last communication I highlighted the fact that May is Asian American Pacific Islander Month and wanted to apologize that I did not also highlight that May is also Jewish American Heritage month. Please join me in celebrating our Jewish families here at Oyster.
Also, I wanted to shout out one of our Tigers who is doing wonderful things both in school and outside of school. Máire Greer was nominated by Sen. Cruz to audition for the Honors Performance Series featuring talented middle schoolers from across the globe. She passed her audition and is the first O-A student to have had this opportunity. There are very few 7th graders who were accepted as the Middle School cohort includes 9th graders. Máire will spend about a week in Hollywood this Summer learning and rehearsing several classical choral pieces, in many different languages. Please help me in celebrating her and her family as she continues to shine and represent OA in big ways.
A few months ago, we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Earle Williams, who was the first African American male to complete the Oyster Elementary School after desegregation of schools in DC. He was interviewed by our students shortly after we were in contact with him. Please view the interview by using this LINK.
Girl Scouts at Oyster Adams have organized a Food Drive taking place in the next weeks. Please find the details in the flyer below.
Both campuses have scheduled The Poetry Festival for next Fridays:
Oyster: May 17, 2024, in the cafeteria.
- 9:00-10:30 for 2nd and 3rd graders.
- 1:45-3:00 for Pre-K and Kindergarten.
Adams: May 23, 2024 in the cafeteria.
- 2:00-3:30 for middle school students.
Adams: May 24, 2024 in the cafeteria.
- 9:30-11:00 for 4th and 5th graders.
Wishing you all a great rest of the week!