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National Immigration Project Workshop, Dec 2nd

On December 2 at 5pm, join the National Immigration Project for a virtual training for members of the community who are directly affected to review the fundamentals of what they can do now to be prepared. We will discuss what to expect in the early days of a Trump administration; an explanation of their rights under the Fourth Amendment; and the things that families can do to be ready in case of an arrest by ICE. Our two-hour program is designed to answer their most urgent questions and remind them of the protections they already have. As policies change, we will continue to provide community advocates with the information and training they need to fight and keep their community ready to face whatever comes.

Register [here](*1ebljan*_gcl_au*NzU1OTEzMy4xNzI3OTgxODc5*_ga*OTg2MDM3ODE5LjE3MTI2NzM1NjU.*_ga_L8TBF28DDX*MTczMTQ0MjI4OS4xMjQuMS4xNzMxNDQyNTIzLjAuMC4w&_ga=2.180096615.2129399692.1731427881-986037819.1712673565

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