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Online Directory is Live

The Oyster-Adams school directory is live and available for you to use! You can look up you class's Room Parents, find an email address to set up a playdate, and more. No more Membership Toolkit (for those who remember years past), now you can login to the directory right on the Oyster-Adams website. Please log in now to 1) ensure we have the most up-to-date contact information for your family and 2) your privacy settings are correct. Here's how:


  1. Visit and click on Login in the main menu
  2. Log in with the email address you used to register at the school (wherever you receive the Principal's newsletter)
  3. Search for yourself or your child in the directory. That's it!

Make a change, if needed

  1. Once you are logged in, click on your name or initials on the top right, and then click on Profile
  2. To edit your information: From the submenu on the left (or the dropdown menu on mobile), select Edit Profile
  3. To hide your email address, phone number, or mailing address from appearing in the online directory, select Privacy Settings and make your change there.

Have a question? Email [email protected]

Getting the newsletters?

Get the Principal's weekly newsletter and the OCC's periodic news.

Oyster CampusPK4 - 3rd

2801 Calvert St. NW
Washington DC, 20008
(202) 671-6130
(202) 671-3087

Meyer Campus

Adams Swing Space until spring 2025

4th - 8th

2501 11th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 673-7311
(202) 673-6500

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This website is a 100% parent-led effort made with by the OCC.

Copyright © 2024 Oyster-Adams Bilingual School. All Rights Reserved.

¡Vamos Tigres!