
Newsletter - November 13th

We’d like to start by honoring all who served our country in the armed forces. We’re very thankful for your service and hope you had a happy Veterans Day.

We’re also wishing a Happy Diwali to those who celebrate! This festival of light is one of the most important celebrations in Hinduism.

In this weekly message, we’ll continue unpacking part of our CSP, Culture of Achievement, and its connection to Conscious Discipline. We’ll also reflect on what we are grateful for this month through our core value of the month.

Please take a few minutes to read the following staff and community recognitions, announcements, and reminders. As usual, continue reaching out with your questions, comments, or suggestions.

Gratitude and Appreciation 

As mentioned in the last communication, each month we will work on a specific core value. For November, we’d like to invite our school community to be intentional about expressing gratitude and recognizing others and ourselves.

It takes just a few minutes to write a short note or an email to say thank you. A gesture is another way to express our gratitude--that can be publicly or in private. Let’s not take the work, actions, and intentions of others for granted. We will have a few cards in the main office for anyone who wants to write a note to someone else.

I am grateful for being in this amazing city and working in one of the best schools District and country. We are a powerful group of educators that share the same mission and vision toward education. I’m grateful for a school community that is committed to the success of all students.

Comprehensive School Plan - Culture of Achievement and Conscious Discipline (Part 3)  

For our school to achieve the goals we have in the dimension of Culture of Achievement in our CSP, we use a Conscious Discipline. Conscious Discipline is a brain-research framework to develop social-emotional and self-regulatory skills in our tigers and adults at school and at home.

Conscious Discipline (CD) also helps us create community-based learning environments where we share power, establish group cohesion, build or mend relationships, and practice problem solving skills. CD is not new to Oyster Adams, but we have been more intentional about using it to address the levels of stress, anxiety, and isolation we all have experienced.

Teachers have incorporated some CD principles into class routines and rituals. Here are some of the specific actions that teachers do:

  • To begin the day with a Brain Smart Start. This is a space to unite, disengage stress, connect, and make commitments for the day. It helps students’ brains get ready for learning. 
  • To establish routines to increase the levels of predictability and reduce the anxiety of not knowing what is going to happen.  
  • To connect authentically with students through rituals. When they greet students, teachers encourage students to make eye contact, be playful, and be present.  
  • Sing with their classes or play music. They teach students to be appreciative of one another and their differences.  
  • Teach students to “wish well” to their peers who are absent, sick, or are going through a tough time. 
  • Create safe spaces in all classrooms for students to self-regulate their emotions and get ready to continue their learning. 

Reminders and announcements  

  • Cafeteria billing issues: We’re aware of some cafeteria billing issues that some families have experienced. Central office personnel are currently working with families and the new vendor to address all the issues. 
  • We want to remind all families that they can find most of the school resources on our newly designed school website. One of them is the application for Free and Reduce Meals (FARM). 
  • High Impact Tutoring (HIT): This is an additional support that will help our students who need it a little bit more. We’re happy to announce that it will start the week of November 27. HIT is funded through federal grants. At OA, it is also funded through the gracious support of OCC. Additional information will be shared in the next few days. 
  • Immunization: It is very important for our families to abide by the requirements to keep our school community safe. 
  • Fall sport season is over: We want to thank all coaches and students who demonstrated their tenacity. We’re so proud of our athletes. At the same time, we’re preparing for the winter season. We’re also grateful for families who helped the athletic team coordinate transportation for practices and games. 
  • CORRECTION: Virtual HS information session for middle school families: The correct date and time for this session is Thursday, 11/16 from 5:00-6:00pm and you can join through this link
  • This month is school psychologist appreciation month. Thank you, Mr. Nuñez and Ms. Cardenas, for all you do for our school community.  
  • LSAT meeting, Monday, 11/13 at the Oyster campus from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 
  • Adams Community Meeting: Construction Update, Wednesday, 11/15 from 4:30-5:30. Virtual, link to join here
  • Virtual OCC meeting, Thursday, 11/16 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. 
  • Thanksgiving Grocery Gift Cards: We are still collecting grocery cards from Safeway and Giant to distribute to OA families in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. Please send them directly to Ms. Naves at the Oyster Campus and to Ms. Hanson at the Adams campus. Click the here to see the flyer for more information.  
  • Lost and Found: We’ll have the racks with the lost and found items outside of the main entrance at each building for parents and students to find missing coats, sweaters and water bottles. 

This is all for today - I wish everyone a great week.

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