
Bus Stop Location for Transportation to Meyer Swing Space

The bus will pick up and drop off students up in front of Marie Reed's tennis court between Wyoming Ave and 18th Street (see Google map link here). This is a busy area, so parking is not available. Parents who shared that they wanted their child picked up at Oyster will find the bus pickup/drop-off spot on Calvert St. next to the school. Students will wait for the bus near the stairs closest to Calvert St.

Supervision on the Buses

DCPS has assigned a bus monitor for each bus. However, out of an abundance of caution, we also have at least two staff members who will be riding the buses and monitoring Safe Passage from Oyster to Adams in the morning on Calvert St, and one staff member stationed at Marie-Reed to monitor Safe Passage in the morning there. If there are issues on the buses, we ask that you communicate with Ian Torres, our Restorative Coordinator at Adams ([email protected]). OA staff will ride buses in the mornings only, as during the 3:15pm dismissal they must support and supervise activities on campus. Support Staff members will be present at Adams to ensure safe onboarding to the buses at 3:15pm.

For the evening buses (5:40 p.m.), the OCA staff will be responsible for getting students in the after-school program on the bus. Please note that the buses can only idle for about 5 minutes, and we are asking parents and guardians to arrive on time at the pickup and drop off locations. As a reminder, parents and guardians are not allowed to get on the bus. See bus schedule below.

¿Estás recibiendo los correos?

Recibe el boletín semanal de la directora y las noticias periódicas de la OCC.

Plantel de OysterPK4 - 3ro

2801 Calvert St. NW
Washington DC, 20008
(202) 671-6130
(202) 671-3087

Plantel de Meyer

Espacio temporero de Adams hasta primavera 2025

4to - 8vo

2501 11th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 673-7311
(202) 673-6500

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Este sitio web es un esfuerzo 100% de padres voluntarios hecho con por la OCC.

Copyright © 2024 Escuela Bilingüe Oyster-Adams. Todos los derechos reservados.

¡Vamos Tigres!