
Format of a typical OCA day

3:15-3:30 pm

Check-in (children are taken to their OCA room by a staff member/ pre-k’s & kinder’s picked up at their classroom)

3:30-4:15 pm

Outdoor play (dress appropriately, we are outdoors every day unless it is 30 degrees or below or in cases of inclement weather)

4:15-4:30 pm

Snack/clean up

4:30-5:55 pm

Activity time (pre –k & k) and homework time (1st -7th grades)

5:30 pm

ADAMS CAMPUS ONLY board buses to head back to the drop off zone (exact times and location to be determined)

5:50-6:00 pm

Clean-up /check out PLEASE, ensure you always sign your child out and say goodbye to a staff member from your child’s group.

6:00 pm

OCA closes

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Oyster CampusPK4 - 3rd

2801 Calvert St. NW
Washington DC, 20008
(202) 671-6130
(202) 671-3087

Meyer Campus

Adams Swing Space until spring 2025

4th - 8th

2501 11th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 673-7311
(202) 673-6500

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This website is a 100% parent-led effort made with by the OCC.

Copyright © 2024 Oyster-Adams Bilingual School. All Rights Reserved.

¡Vamos Tigres!